

Posting from sunny Santa Cruz and my sister's definition-of-a college apartment - leaky bathroom sink and all. I drove up on Wednesday for Passover and took some extra time to detox with Tatty. It's kind of lame that I don't know the next time we'll be living in the same city, we're good for each other. Either way, my aunt Sue lent me her (beautiful gorgeous well-kept three-steps-up-from-my) bike so that T and I could go on a couple of rides (Tatty's joining me on the ride this year so I wanted to train with her at least a teensy bit).

Our first ride was a short one; we mostly just wandered around S.Cruz for a little over an hour. It was still definitely nice to get out on the road though, especially on a bike as nice as Sues. It reminded me of how much I need to be thinking about saving a bit of my next couple of paychecks for a pre-ALC tune-up trip to the bike shop with my poor bruised and battered biiicycle.

This morning we grabbed Tatty's boyfriend Graham and the three of us ventured out on a bit longer ride - took the 1 north past Davenport to a road that Tatty had heard about from Sue. We wandered down that road for a bit and then took a break before wandering back. 'Twas nie to get out and the weather is absolutely GORgeous today. I'm not excited about the amount of time I'm going to be spending in the car on such a beautiful day, but it's time to get back - too much to do, the real world awaits.

04.08.09 miles: 11.6 via bike
04.12.09 miles: 31.8 via bike

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