
technically 04.30.09

Today was odd. I set an alarm for 5:45 am and then five-minute snoozed until 7:45 am and then procrastinated further (I theoretically was going to go on a bike ride this morning) and eventually wound up on skype with Dave for a LONG time, after which I was in such a good mood that I went on a 5 mile run (which, as I have mentioned before) is a very long run for me.

Also, I forgot to mention Monday and Tuesday's rides. Because they were minuscule. I'll put them in the list anyhow to make myself feel less useless.

04.27.09 total: 8.3 mile work commut
04.28.09 total: 4 (yes, really) miles. To and from a bar. Yes. Really.
04.29.09 (aka today) total: 5 mile run

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