

I did it!
I got up in the middle of the dark, biked to the meeting point, did a ride with the "East Side Posse" as they call themselves (which really just means they're ALCers who meet up at a Coffee Bean on the 'east side'..maybe of Griffith Park? I don't know what kind of East Side they're talking about). Anyhow - I'd done this ride with them once before and I drove my bike to the starting point, but I really don't like driving to bike so I'd been meaning to actually BIKE to the starting point but the ride meets at 6:30 and the meeting spot is a good 13 miles away from me, so as you can imagine, there is some motivation required to wake up at 4:45 am and hop onto a bike in the dark (yes mom I have a back and front light =) The upshot of this is that a) there are NO cars on the road at five am and all of the lights stay green for me and b) I rode 39 miles before 9:30 am.

total: 39 miles via bike (part of which was a massive ugly hill of pain and anguish)

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