

Mmm. I'm feeling fairly content right now.

This morning was daylights savings (a fact I was not reminded of until about 11:00 PM last night while out to dinner with friends for a birthday) so I got a bit less sleep than I would have liked to.

This made my car-packing a little comical this morning. Today was the Purim carnival at Santa Monica Synagogue, so I didn't have to teach so much as supervise. Additional perks included free pizza and hamentashen and 1/2-hour early dismissal. In light of all of this, I had decided that today would be a great day for a post-teaching bike ride with my co-teacher Daniel. Which brings me back to the car-packing. Overtired Dustys should really refrain from attempting to stuff bikes into small cars.

Either way, I got both myself and my bike to Santa Monica in one piece, did the Purim thing, and then Daniel and I rode down to the water and over to Manhattan Beach and back. Daniel hasn't really ridden all that recently, so we took it a bit slower than I usually would, but as a result I'm not in pain! After yesterday's hills, it was really nice to just chill out and dodge pedestrians for a bit.

Total: 30.44 miles!

That's three days of biking in a row - FINALLY! Truth be told, I'm mostly just preparing for when Kate comes to visit. I don't anticipate much EXERcise while she's visiting, she's not huge on movement for the sake of movement. Which is okay with me as long as I prepare for it.

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