
03.18.09 (with news from 03.11.09!)

Sometimes I'm inexplicably lazy about the most random things. I forgot to post my run last Wednesday and it's taken until today to actually sit down and post.
Here goes:

1. A week ago today I did my first 5 mile run (!) in almost two years. It was quite the accomplishment. I'm still proud of myself a week later. (Coldwater to Burbank to Hazeltine to Riverside to home.) I almost ran all the way to Melanie's, I probably could sometime if I plan it out.

2. This morning Mel and I went on a morning hike up to Eagle Rock. We got to see a herd of deer right at the beginning of the trail and then about 500 m from the beginning of the end of the trail, there was a RATTLESNAKE!!! The first one I've ever seen on a trail; Mel heard it and jumped ahead on the trail, I heard it and it was still ahead of me so I got to see it slink off into the undergrowth. Scary as fuck. I eventually passed the place where it had been and we continued to the top, but it was quite the adventure!

3. After I came home from work this afternoon I did a fairly short run - I figured I might as well since I was still in my hiking clothes and it's 88 degrees according to Charlotte (my car) which is SO NICE.



03.11.09: 5 mile run
03.18.09: 4-ish mile hike, 2.1 mile run

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