

work + return trip + Trader Joes + return trip = 11.2 miles.

It was SO warm today. The pleasant comfortable kind of warm. I biked home in the dark in bike shorts and a jersey and was comfortable. In January. LA is craaazy.

In other news, Tatty's on her way to preparing for the ride*. The boyfriend is no longer joining her but SHE'S still in. It always amazes me when people join me on this ride; for some reason I don't feel special for doing the ride, but when people I know make the choice to ride, I find them incredibly special. And not in a 'he's not weird he's special' kind of way, in a 'but you're actually going to take the time to DO this? you must be crazy wonderful!' kind of way.

*AIDS/Lifecycle 8, hereafter referred to as 'the ride' is a 545-mile ride from SF to LA that raises money for the San Francisco AIDS Foundation and LA Gay and Lesbian Center, two organizations that provide medication and support for those living with HIV and AIDS and also work to spread awareness about HIV. This is the real reason I'm keeping this blog - it keeps track of my pitiful attempts to quote-unquote train.


  1. what happened to "technically"?

    woo ride!

  2. Jer! Technically only happens when I post at awkward hours of the late evening/early morning. Obvi(ously ;-)
